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Rejection is real, it is a deep thing that has eaten into the self esteem of a lot of folks. Although we have different personality types and I have to admit that some people are not moved by Rejection at all but they are some other people who little show of Rejection remains in them and builds up into something that can only be healed by serious therapy sessions of which unfortunately not everyone can afford.

Rejection can show up when we get turned down buy our crush after we finally find the courage to ask them out. For the ladies, it might come subtly when the guy you like overlooks you but you see him showing interest to someone else.

Rejection can come when you have done every thing possible to fit in with someone/ a group but never felt like you belonged among them.

It can come when you think you have finally found a friend that suddenly stops associating with you or a romantic partner who was no longer interested in a relationship with you.

Rejection can come when you believed you got all it took for a job or an audition  but you were not picked

Rejection can come when you pour your heart Into something or gave it all you had and still failed.

Rejection can show up in many ways, only a few have been expressed here. Your own story of rejection might be totally different but regardless of your experience, It leaves us feeling in the same type of way, 

"Low self esteem" "Low self worth" "Feeling unworthy" "Feeling like we are never enough" "Feeling like there must be something absolutely wrong with us"

No matter how it might have left you feeling, know that you can choose not to accept it about yourself.

 Because you got Rejected by that boy or girl dose not mean you are not worthy of true love. Because you were not given that job offer dose not mean you are incapable of one day becoming a millionaire or even a billionaire.

We don't have to personalise our rejections, we don't have to let it define who we are, we don't have to walk into every room allowing our past rejections whisper into our ears that we are going to fail even before we start, we don't have to look down on ourselves and our abilities, we don't have to live in shame and self pity because genuinely we can do much more if we are more positive in our thinking.

 Know that every Rejection is truly a redirection, that you were Rejected in the past does not mean you are incapable of doing so much more in  the future to come.

 May be you might actually need to do one or two work on yourself, your CV, your character or in other areas but you have to believe that you are bigger than your Rejections of whatever form.

 Come out of you shell don't let the fear of been rejected again or the fear of not been enough stop you from doing greater things. 

We need you, we need your gifts, we need your skill, we need your talents, we need your voice. Your spouse is waiting for you, do not let your break up at 16 hinder you from having a beautiful future with her. 

You are not your rejection, you are much more.


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