When we were little children, we were innocent and believed literally anything was possible. If someone told us that they could hold our hands and take us to London within three minutes, we would believe it. The advice given to many parents for their children is to "catch them young", which means they should make sure to teach or inculcate those values that would be helpful throughout life because at that period, children have the tendency to believe things easily. Growing up, things change because we start to encounter people like our friends, teachers and even the world at large that make us doubt a lot of things and our believe system is modified by outside voices. Some of them might have a very deep effect on us that they pierce our souls and become inner voices, constantly on repeat.
The repercussion is that some of these voices might be negative. Example:"You are a dullard", may be your lesson teacher said it to you when you failed a math question.
"You are too ugly", maybe someone you liked said it to you
"Is this child a mistake", may be your mum said this to you when you broke a glass cup.
These are just few examples of the many words that you might have heard and may have become part of you.
Now you might be asking, how does all of this relate to affirmation. Affirmation is simply declaring the truth. So through affirmation, you can intentionally choose whatever it is you want to believe about yourself and your world, letting go of the lies. Affirmation becomes even more powerful when it is backed up with the word of God, remember the word of God is the spirit of life. Declaring it with your mouth is a powerful way of practicing affirmation because even the bible says the power of life and death is in the tongue but you have to first believe it is true in your heart.
So like the example above, if you grow up believing you are ugly, you can change that by choosing to believe and declare that "I am fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14)"
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