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I believe comparison is rooted in pride. We want to be on top and everyone beneath, or at least better than the person that we have visualize to be our competitors in our head, so we find ourselves trying to compete with someone in an area that is not our calling and even if it is, we are not happy anymore because we are putting so much energy may be or may be not getting a good result, but it just gets worse when the person we compare ourselves with does better. 

Comparison put you in a very dark place. It makes you hate you, it makes you see reason why you are not enough. It measures your grace and strength with everyone else's. It makes you do things that you would not ordinarily do in order to feel validated and have some sense of worth, it shows you thousand and one people that you must become like to feel loved but shows you through other people's live how you are lacking. It magnifies your weakness and inadequacy, it makes you sad and depress, it brings about sickness, and problems that normally should not be present, it makes you ask yourself unnecessary questions that you should not be asking yourself at the first place like 

"Am I enough"

"Why does everyone desire this thing but I don't"

"Why does everyone go to that place but I don't like too". 

Comparison also blinds. It blinds you to your unique difference which is your strength, It blinds you to your God given abilities, it blinds you to the fact that you are a masterpiece, a unique work of art that was designed and wired differently from the whole world, it blinds you to your many potentials that needs focus to be acted upon. It makes you to want all you see other people have, but you don't have. So you are an amazing writer but now want to become a speaker and abandon your writing potential because that is what you see people doing.

You suffer envy, you suffer jealousy. You become desperate for no reason pursuing something with so much energy not because you are that passionate but because you have compared yourself and therefore now trying to secure a position.

Comparison is not only a thief of happiness, peace and joy it is also a killer. It kills your God given potentials because you are too focused on other people's own to build yours, it kills relationships because instead of you been a friend to that girl or boy, instead of showing them so much love you are too busy comparing yourself with them, checking for areas in which you are better than them, so you can feed your ego, It can make you weep for the wrong cause. You wake up in the morning, feeling very fine but the moment you look up social media, then you begin to find what was never missing at the first place, you want "abcd" because everyone has it. Comparison comes from within. Be very excessively intentional about dealing with it. The best position that anyone can be in is to be focused on God first, and you second and to be in a position where you can be genuinely happy for other people but not envious of them. You are different. As simple as that sound, it is a very difficult thing to grasp.

The way you see people and the world is different. You might need to work on yourself to be better but in the meantime for change to effectively occur, you must love the present you, do not compare yourself to other people that are higher than you regardless of age take it easy on you, forgive you and live life one step at a time.

Comparison is a distraction, It shifts your focus. We need God, I need God to deal with comparison.  You are different, with different battles, story, you were brought up differently, your potentials are unique, your path in life is different, God has called you to do amazing,  different, beautiful unique things. The same applies to your friend, neighbor, colleagues brother, sister, church member etc.

 Comparing yourselves with them would just blind you from seeing your own difference because you would become too focused on how or how not you are doing better than them. It would only make you see them as a potentially enemy when your responsibility is to love, be kind to them, complement their weaknesses,. pray for them.

I pray God help us heal and run away from Comparing ourselves with others, it is bad. The Bible says that the devil come to steal, kill and destroy, one of the many ways he does this through comparison, don't allow yourself to be a victim.


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