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We don't deserve it yet he gave it to us.

Our works and labour could never pay the price but he have us for free.

Sometimes we think is our effort, we think we are special and better than others us, we think we are more deserving of it than our neighbour but we forget the place of God's unmerited favour, the power of Grace.

I believe Grace is what God gives that makes what we don't deserve accessible to us.

For example, you have a huge project to embark on, you know it is beyond your power, you lack ideas, funds, and many more for the project. After much struggle, you pray for God's grace and in a crazy way, a way you could never explain, everything start to work out well. Men begin to volunteer to help without you even asking, ideas starts to flood the mind like no man's buisness and then you just smile to your self realizing that by your strength you could actually have done nothing but with God's grace there is always a way in the wilderness.

This is not to encourage laziness in anyway but to let you know that in life you would always be in need of the grace and favour of God. Our strength would not always be enough. What we perceive to be human wisdom might not always come through for us. We need Gods grace in every aspect of our life such as; our careers (like the above example), parenting, relationships and even in our faith.
Yes, we need grace to trust God, we need grace to leave the level of just knowing God's word to actually believing it and living it out.
It is easy to trust God when things are going well but when faced with life storms, it is only the grace of God that can bring us out hale and healthy while still standing strong in faith.
Even the greatest gift of God to man, salvation can only by acquired by GRACE through FAITH. So you see, grace is paramount. It is something you should always pray for.

12 Areas of your life when you need God's grace

1. Each day you can ask for grace to live  according to his will
2. You need God's grace to remain in the faith
3. You need God's grace to walk in the Spirit so you wouldn't fulfil the lust of the flesh
4. You needs God's grace to make the right decision
5. You need God's grace to partake in any activity especially the one you perceive to be beyond you
6. You need God's grace to fast and pray right
7. You need God's grace to be a minister of his word to the world
8. You needed God's grace to succeed in your career
9. Your need God's grace to succeed in any relationship you find your self in
10. You need God grace to live a righteous life
11. You need God's grace to assess his wisdom
12. We need grace to assess God's mercy
                     (To mention but a few)

1 Corinthians 15:10
"But by the grace of God I am what I am: and his grace which was bestowed upon me was not in vain; but I labored more abundantly than they all: yet not I, but the grace of God which was with me."


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