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To fulfil God's purpose you have to be aligned with him, know how he speaks to you and submit all your will and desire for God's own which would not always be rosy.

You also have to learn to give glory to God and God alone when he starts to manifest his works and power through you. You have to be very prayerful, praying always, so you won't lose connection with God.

Most especially purpose might bring you face to face with your fears or with something you have avoided like a plague all your life (e.g. God might want to heal you from an experience that you always try to conceal because you are ashamed of, so you can be a vessel in is hands to reach out to many who has gone through the same thing.) which might require a lot of sacrifice, your life might even be at stake.

You might have to go to places and do things that you dread doing but turning away from it would be turning away from God's plan so when God has led you into doing something that is difficult or seems very impossible rather than running away in fear, take up faith and courage not just in your self but in God especially.

Purpose is not just one thing. It evolves over time and for every season of your life, you have a purpose which main goal is to make Jesus Christ known or to be a light in this dark world. It might be just in the life of one person or many people but as far as God has sent you do it, do it very well according to His leading and live the rest to him.  Discovering purpose has to also do with been sensitive to the needs of people around you. Not just their physical or materialistic needs but also and more importantly their soul needs and been able to come through for them by the help of God.

Lastly your purpose might be associated with so much pain and sacrifice but the joy and glory associated with it at the end would be something you can't comprehend. Yours might be overcoming that addiction, leaving a relationship that is not bringing glory to God. However small or big it is, I encourage you to endure the cross now for the joy that is set before you.

May God help us fulfil purpose.

Blog post inspired by lesson learnt from the book "Echo in darkness" by Fracine Rivers


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