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Peace means different things to different people. For some people it means working so much, they lost their peace the moment they begin to take too much time resting. Some people want to rest all day long to feel peace, some find peace in money, living large lives, having all the cars and houses in the world. While some people find their peace living a small life, just a house, a car, a job that can feed them, pay their bills and also help them to save a little, some people find peace when ever they are alone in a quiet place listening to slow music, reminiscing, just been on their own basically. Some people on the other hand find their innermost peace when they are around other people, going out and having a good time.
Everybody should be able to define what peace of mind looks like to them.
Whatever it is that give you a sense of peace if it is healthy and does not affect you negatively don't let go of it. If you feel you derive peace from performing unhealthy activities like smoking, it is advisable you quit that unhealthy lifestyle and find true peace first in God and in other activities that would help you become a better person.
There is an external peace and an Internal peace. They both are very important, but  internal peace is more important. When you have internal or better put inner peace even when there is no external peace, you can still strive.
Having Peace externally is not in our control because trials and tribulation can come up at any time. When Covid-19 started, it wasn't your fault, If your nation decide to embark on a war with some other nation, you might not have the power to bring it to and end. If your child is really sick at the moment, it is not your fault either. Different things happen in our live externally that can take our Peace away. You might not be able to control them, but you can only control how you react to them. One way to do that is by cultivating an inner peace. Like the word implies, inner peace, it happens within you. It has to be developed from inside. Having many external accolades can't help you cultivate it.

How can you cultivate this inner peace?

Inner peace has to do with been physically and spiritually calm despite the external stressor. Having a sense of serenity and tranquility regardless of the outside happenings.
You can cultivate this inner peace by:


Generally, meditation means been still, present, and silencing the noises in your head. Some people try to focus their mind on a single thing like a scenario of trees, flowers and a flowing river or a bible verse, or a soul lifting song. Some focus on nothing they just try to be present and caught away from the chaos, problems, issues and sometimes responsibilities of their world.
Which ever away, Meditation when done frequently, helps people to have a sense of peace, especially when done in the early morning, brings a sense of peace, stillness or calmness and focus for the daily activities.

Practicing gratitude

You have to be intentional about been grateful for life, I saw a write-up somewhere which says "We are so caught up asking God for something else that we forget that the other things we ask for in the past is what we are presently enjoying". Been grateful brings peace because we get rid of envy Jealousy, societal and social media pressure, when we are more grateful.

Spend time with nature

I don't know about you, but I love nature. If you check my phone you would see pictures of beauty flowers and plants. Looking at the flowers, and the trees for example reminds us that there is a God, who gives life to them and watches over them. Nature encompasses the quiet atmosphere, the still nights, the bright blue sky, the rising sun, the fully set sun giving light to our environment in the morning, the waters (Ocean, sea and the river) the chirping birds, little children running around and playing etc. God gave us all this things for a reason. Immerse yourself in nature and find peace.

Forgiving yourself for your past mistake

Believe that you are not your mistake and that God is more invested and interested in you than he is in your mistakes. Sometimes I remember things in my past and I begin to feel troubled, and I lost my peace but a reminder that I am not my mistakes and God has forgiven me, redeemed me and is not looking at me based on my past mistakes but as someone who has a glorious destiny and future with him, restores my Peace and also gives me hope.

Appreciating /loving yourself

You have to love yourself, you have to love your process, you have to love how far you have come and where you are going. Yes you could have achieved better but still be grateful for who you are right now. Stop hating on your self because of your flaws. Love every part of you, It helps a lot in giving you peace. There are people out there who might want to use your weakness against you intentionally or unintentionally, they might want to ridicule your or bring you down because of a side of you that you are really trying to work on, as a matter of fact you might be the one. You might be the one condemning yourself, insulting yourself because of your flaws thereby taking away your own peace but been in a space where you love your self despite all the scars, flaw and imperfection would really help a lot in cultivating an inner peace

Doing what makes you happy

Happiness and peace are related. Sometimes engaging in those activities that makes you happy like, going out, watching a movie, dancing to a good music, preparing and eating a dish you enjoy, spending time with family etc., can give a sense of peace.

Take control of your life

Take control of you life, take control of your thoughts. Not every news should make you scared, not every little thing should give you palpitation, not every news should take away your peace. You are calm but the moment you see a post on social media, you become troubled and lost your peace. Your lecturer in the university says something that feels like a threat, and you begin to panic like the world has ended. Why do you allow every little thing to get to you? I am challenging you today to take control of your life and your peace. Stop letting everything disrupt you tranquility. Filter what you hear, what you see, what you believe, who you have conversation with, who you listen to and even what you say. Take control of your life and your peace.

God gives peace in the storm

Let us go spiritual a bit. One certain day, Jesus and his disciples were in the boat heading to some place. There was a serious storm and the disciples where panicking like we would do when faced with challenges that are beyond us, but Jesus on the other hand was sleeping like a baby. After trying all they could do and none was working out, they decided to wake up Jesus from his beauty sleep, and after he woke up, he rebuked the violent storm by saying "Peace, be still".
Are you going to through any life storm today, invite Jesus into it so that he can calm the storm. The same Jesus Christ said in the book of John that Peace I leave with you; My [own] peace I now give and bequeath to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid. [Stop allowing yourselves to be agitated and disturbed; and do not permit yourselves to be fearful and intimidated and cowardly and unsettled.]"
There is a peace that the world gives and there is a Peace that God gives, which is much more powerful. This peace surpasses human understanding. This is the kind of peace like the one described above. A peace that comes when everybody even you except yourself to be worried. Have you seen people that have lost loved ones and looked like nothing happened to them when you ask they would say the Holy Spirit was the one that comforted them. God is still giving peace in the storms. Connect with him today through his son Jesus Christ and begin to experience his peace.

I know  someone who makes noise a lot, you can't study around him because he is always shouting and causing trouble. If you scold him and even if you flog him he would not stop. The only thing that would happen is that you might lose your voice in the process or out of anger get into an argument with him and end up saying mean things that you would regret later on. So what I usually do to allow peace reign is that I live the arena for him to make all his noise so that I don't end up adding to the trouble by starting up an argument and disturbing every one's peace. This is an example of a situation that I had to avoid totally so that peace will reign. If he was someone I could control, I would simply tell him to keep quiet and everything would end. There are some things you might have to ignore for the sake of your peace.
All these are great suggestions to help you cultivate and protect your peace. There are still many ways to be able to find this inner peace. You can discover new ways yourself, and you can learn from other people. Which ever way, it is important to begin an intentional Journey for your Peace. There are too many problems in this world that can drive us insane if we don't know learn how to make peace with our self (Inner peace) and our environment.



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