My question to you today is what are you magnifying or exalting in your mind? Are you magnifying your inabilities and letting your abilities die, are you magnifying your weaknesses forgetting that you also have strength, are you magnifying negative emotions (e.g anger, bitterness, unforgiveness, fear,envy, jealousy etc.) and not realizing that you have control over your mind and therefore the power to choose whatever emotions that you want to. Are you magnifying that group of people that have told you directly or indirectly that they don't want you around them and forgetting the ones that really care about you. The list goes on and on. What you think or ponder on the most has the ability to shapen your life. The problem with some people is that they think so much about the negative side of life than they do for the positive. For example when they are about to travel they will think more about the probability of having an accident than having a safe trip. This is a typical example of magnifying negative thoughts in your mind. If you can think it they say you can have it. The Bible even says that as a man thinketh in his heart so is he. The mind is a very powerful space where you can either make something great or destroy, that is why you have to be intentional about the thoughts that you magnigfy in your head or in your mind. Every thing you see around like your phone, laptop, clothes etc was someone's idea. It all started from the mind.
Whenever you are about to engage in a project or any other thing, let the thought of succeeding exalt the possibility of failing or not coming out well,
when sick or ill, let the thought of recovering exceed the thoughts of feeling worse or even dying
When you wake up in the morning let the thought of that day been a wonderful and blessed day magnify the thoughts of it been a bad day probably because of your previous experiences.
In essence, whatever you choose to do in life, however small or big always magnify the thoughts of sucucceding rather than the possibility of failing. Someone I know use to say and I quote" When you see something you like and don't have the money to buy it, do not say I cant afford it rather say how can I afford it". Now that is another mindset you can incorporate and magnify in your mind for your finances not thought like "I am a poor", "I can never afford any of this" etc.
The more positive thoughts that dominate your mind, the more of a winner you become in life and the more influence you would be able to make in other people's life.
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