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So I was sitting down in the hospital, thinking about what I should write for my first blog post. I wanted it to be something special, but I couldn't just think of anything good. I was just looking around the hospital environment like the answer would just spring forth from somewhere. Guess what, it did. I mean I got my inspiration from a picture frame I saw hanging on the hospital wall with the write-up "everyday is a gift".

I think the main reason why it was there was to encourage the patient that even though they are not physically fine at the moment, the fact that they still have breath in their lungs and are graced to see that day is something to be grateful for because life truly is a gift from God. 

You know how you feel when you are given a gift  may be on your birthday or on Christmas day or Valentine's Day. You know how excited you get, you know how you can't wait to tear away the gift  package, so you can see what is inside and how grateful you are to the person who gave it to you. Even if you didn't like the buyer initially, at that point you would start loving them and if is someone you have always loved, your feelings of affection towards the person would  grow stronger. Trust me even though you are not so excited about the gift one thing you wouldn't want to do is let the buyer know. You would want to protect the gift and if is something wearable like a ring or a necklace, especially when it is given to you by someone special, you would always want to wear it in front of them to prove you are genuinely grateful for the gift. No wonder giving of gifts is part of the five love languages. 

Now I want us to look at our life as a gift and God as the giver of that gift because that is actually the reality. Do not forget that God is the ultimate lover. In fact, God is love himself.  So whenever you wake up in the morning, let it be with the consciousness that you have been granted another gift by God not because you deserve it anyways, but because he is full of love. Whether you're going to face hardship in that particular day or not, no matter what is going to happen, always remember that it is a gift that is given to you by a dearly beloved.

Here is the big question, how should you live your  life now that you are aware that is a gift? 

You would always want to protect a gift  _ This is so true. You would always want to protect the gift so that it wouldn't get missing or damaged. That is exactly how you should treat your life, don't live a care free life. Don't indulge in those habits that would bring destruction to your life physically,  mental, emotionally, spiritually etc. Protect your gift as much as you can. 

You would always want the giver to know your grateful for the gift _ When last have you actually told God in prayers that you are grateful for life, when last. We keep on asking and asking but do we ever remember to be grateful not just for life alone but for also the beautiful things his provided alongside life. I mean for your family and friends, financial provision, health etc. Let's learn to be more grateful.

You would be active not passive in the care of that gift_ If someone gifts you a flower vase for example and let say you are packing to a new place. You would surely want to be involved in how the vase would be transported because you wouldn't want it broken. They might be carrying other things roughly, but you might not care. However, when it comes to the vase, you actively want to participate in everything concerning its transportation, because you know is a gift from someone special. The same applies to life. We should always be actively involved in everything about our life. Even in the very little things that people might consider unimportant. I mean the kind of relationship we get into, the kind of people we hang around with, our daily routine, the thoughts that occupy our mind, what we meditate on, our patterns, our decision etc. We have to be actively involved not passively involved or just having a non Challant attitude towards life.

I will stop here. But I want you to go back and think about the ways you have been treating you life before and what you know you can do to make adjustment, now that you know that your life is a gift. 

Lastly I would like to add that you should always be present in the moment remember that yesterday is gone, the gift of tomorrow is not assured you've only got the gift of today so live it with so much joy and positive expectations. Don't carry the dissapointment and discouragement of yesterday into today. Approach every new day with as much positivity as you can gather and never i mean never stop hoping for the best.


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