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Face your fears


This particular teacher is so funny to me. She can just point at anyone  in class to explain all what she has been saying, whether you were listening or not is never her business, just come in front of the whole class and explain all what I have been saying with the exact same word. I remember always behaving well in her class. No matter what, I dared not talk, I even tried to keep a body language that says "Am the dullest in the class, please don't call me". But on this faithful day after she finished explaining something in class she pointed at me and said "Praise explain what I have been teaching since". 

Wow, I was so dumbfounded it felt like someone had just given me a big hot slap. All eyes were on me, my heart was beating so fast, I was trying to calm down, but it wasn't working.  Mehn, I was so scared. This is what I had always avoided in her class, and now it has happened to me. I have seen her call a lot of my mates unexpectedly, and I could see the fear of embarrassment in their eyes because they didn't know the answer, although some people did not care in fact they would even be the one raising their hand to get her attention.

 Just when I was about to answer the question, the other teacher said "Time up. You student should come sign your attendance and leave the class. 

What a relief I felt in my soul. It was as if God saw what I was going through and just came to save me.

 After the imcident, apart for been grateful, I also realised that there was a problem, fear. This is the same way I used to feel when am asked to sing in church no matter how prepared I was. Why was my heart beating so fast? Why was I beginning to feel embarrassed all of a sudden when other people didn't even care about the attention. Yes God saved me today, but a time would definitely come where I would have to do things in front of the whole class, what of when I have a presentation? What would I do then? Would I run away and fail? Impossible. I know I had to do something. I know I had to overcome this fear.

Just like Praise, am sure everyone is scared of something. It might not necessarily be public speaking or singing in front of the church. It might just be something as little as cockroaches or something as big as criticism. We all have that one thing that make us afraid. You have to believe first that fear is not part of the Spirit that God gave us (2 Timothy 1:7"For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.").

Fear to me is a bad feeling. It cripples people from really living life to the fullest. You want to use the restroom so bad but you are scared because of that cockroach that has been living there. You know you have a very good voice and can sing so well but why have you not joined the choir, stage fright. You know you are very good at making vlogs. You can sit in front of the camera an talk for hours about how you feel and motivate people with your words but why are you not using that gift of yours, you are scared of bad comments. I can go on and on about how fear have really stopped people from fulfilling their dreams. Fear is inevitable. It can show up at anytime. I am yet to see someone who is not afraid of anything.

Since fear can come at any time, what should we do. Should we always allow it stop us from doing what we have to do?. The answer is no because in the face of fear we can choose to take action in other words we can DO IT AFRAID. I read somewhere that courageous people are not the ones that don't feel fear but the one that choose to act even in the face of fear.

You shouldn't allow that feeling of fear to stop you from doing what you know you have to do. Always ask your self what is the worst that could happen, and you would realize that it isn't even that bad after all. Until you get to the point where you decide to take action even in the face of fear, you might never make progress. If anything is going to stop you, please it shouldn't be a feeling, I mean a mere feeling of fear. If you feel the urge to do something that you know is good, tell God about it in prayer and take action. It is better you do it afraid and fail, at least you know you tried than to allow the enemy cripple you in fear and not do it at all. I don't know what that beautiful thing is that you have always wanted to do but fear has been stopping you from doing, I encourage you to ignore the spirit of fear today and take that bold step of faith. Start today to DO IT AFRAID 

The only force that overcomes fear is faith, and faith sees and listens to God and takes action while it still feels afraid. 

                                             _ Joyce Meyer


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