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Showing posts from February, 2022

God has been speaking.

  There is a song titled Voice of God by Dante bowe. What I love most about the song is it makes me understand that God must not necessarily speak to us in a very complex way like he did to the Father's of faith in the Bible (e g Abraham, Moses etc.), he can talk through the simplest thing. We might be very confused about something and then an idea just comes into our mind and we know immediately that it was God because of the light and peace that comes with the thought. God speaks, the Holy spirit still ministers but if you allow the voice of what the world is saying to be to louder, how are you going to hear him? When I say the voice of the world, I mean the voice of social media, of friends, of foes, and sometimes the negative voice in your head that is too loud. Tune them down, take time of social media, infact take time off listening to sermons, be quiet and still either reading your Bible or basically doing nothing but just listening to God speak through you. You have to get ...

What defines you?

  It is very dangerous  when we place our worth on external things or make them define who we are. For example placing your worth on your grades as a student or as a buisness person, placing your worth on  the amount of money you make or on how busy you are. All these things are good. I mean who doesn't want to make money and have good grades, but making them the defining factor of life is wrong  because when we loose them (even after much effort to keep), we feel useless, we begin to question our relevance in life and we become so blinded to the many beautiful thing that God can and wants to do in our life.  I feel very sad and disappointed when I see people commit suicide over a school result. They tied their worth so much to a grade that failing it equalled failing in life.  Failure is painful, I totally understand, no reasonable person would want to experience it, but when we fail at something we should not embrace it and make it our Identity talk less ...